Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pray for our Country

And pray for President Elect Obama. This long, painful election is over and history has been and is going to be made. America chose what made her 'feel good' - I pray that all I have discovered about Senator Obama isn't true.

My family is not 'rich.' We work hard for our income and it doesn't go far - now I have 8 straight years or more of my children in college and I can't afford Obama's tax and spend plans. As of right now, the Senate has 56 Dems with 4 seats still undecided - I just pray that they don't get 60.

Lord, please guide us through the years ahead. And please guide President Obama - give him wisdom and help him to lead. We need You now, more than ever!

Update - just found out what we are roughly going to owe this year on taxes. Oh, my. I guess retirement just got pushed off another couple of years.

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