Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Time for an update!

  It's been almost 13 years since I posted here.  Maybe more.  No more biking.  No more running. Spinal Stenosis and out of alignment L4 and L5, corrected by a very successful surgery, put an end to the bike, and bad knees put an end to the running.

That's okay  - a regimen of low-impact cardio as well as strength training (with free weights) have me in better shape than I was in back in the running days.

I really don't know if anyone ever reads blogs such as this.  Perhaps I write for my own enjoyment, and maybe someday someone will find something interesting here.

So since the last post:

  • Earned my MBA from George Mason University
  • Taught at the University of Alabama
  • Had 2 different jobs in northern Virginia
  • Moved back home to Tuscaloosa, AL in August of 2013
  • Taught full-time at UA for 2 years
  • Sold Toyotas full-time for 9 months
  • Worked as business development manager for a staffing company for 7 months
  • Promoted to and worked as regional director for the same staffing company for 2 years
  • Stopped teaching (online)
  • Joined a consulting firm, where I remain to this day - almost 4 years now

November of 2019 had the surgery - up until that point I had terrible pain in my lower back and hip, and had numbness in my left toes.  Mark Hadley, neurosurgeon extraordinaire, corrected that problem 

I am now pain free.  I can do almost anything, although the road bike and any really heavy lifting are off limits.

COVID happened.  What a debacle.  I've had 3 Pfizer shots, had the actual virus (wasn't bad), and fought mask mandates.  As a result of COVID, and no in-person church services, we found Church of the Highlands online services, and the Holy Spirit led us to become a part of that family.  We loved our family at Calvary - it was just time to do something different.  We love serving at Highlands, and we've made more good friends than we've ever had in the past.

I had to move my Mom and Dad out of their home of 47 years, into assisted living.   What a shock for them, but their health dictated the move.  Then we moved them from that original place to a new place, right in the midst of COVID.  So here you have 2 people who were very independent, now living in a small apartment, and not able to get out and socialize. Thankfully the lock-downs are over, and they can get out and interact.  That said, the damage to them mentally is undeniable.

My time at Chesapeake Consulting has been very rewarding.  I'm a certified ACT Job profiler; certified John Maxwell Leadership trainer, coach, and public speaker.  I'm certified by TTISI in DISC and Emotional Quotient (and working on more.)  We are heavily involved with law enforcement as well as prisoner re-entry.

I've been through Freedom at Highlands, and have co-led a group.  The Freedom conferences are life-changing.  My relationship with The Lord is better than ever, and I can see Him working in my life, and it brings so much joy.

We have a racial harmony/unity group that is doing amazing things.  We've had 2 Community Unity events and are currently gearing up for our next 2.

My relationship with my wonderful bride - the love of my life, and my best friend - Karen - is better than ever and we are enjoying life with the kids successfully making their own way and having their own families.  We are 'parents' to 3 feline kids...Gus, Flick, and our most recent add, Nemo.

We are so blessed.  Not with material riches (although we are fine in that arena), but with relationships.  Surrounded by people to "do life" with - people who enrich our lives just by being around.  My mentor and co-worker/boss, John Covington, records his blessings.  Considering the challenges he had been forced to deal with, recognizing blessings is amazing.  His daughter Leigh, my friend, sister, former co-worker, former boss, has suffered through life-changing illness, and John has managed that situation so gracefully.  Clear evidence of the Holy Spirit in his life.  And his wife Linda's back surgery.  And the financial struggles brought on by COVID.

It's hard to recap 13 years in a short blog post, and this post by no means accomplishes that.  It's good for me to write down some of the highlights, though.  And maybe going forward, I can be more intentional about using this blog to record blessings, much like John does.