Saturday, July 12, 2008

Running has changed to Biking

I used to scoff at bicyclers - after all, the only real heavy duty cardio workouts that burn serious calories are swimming and running, right? Wrong. I've surrendered to the reality of joint pain and embraced the change to biking - not the 5 MPH cruiser on a Saturday afternoon, but the hybrid road bike 'blasts' that elevate the heart rate to 145 and above and leave my legs feeling like noodles. The calorie burn per hour is about the same - I can just go farther and see more and do less damage to my feet and knees. My longest ride so far has been 20 miles, but as I type this I am looking forward to stretching out to 22 today. I believe that a serious road bike is in my future, but for now my Giant OCR3 is doing just fine. Exercise is fun again!

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